Keller Williams Charlotte University City - Serving the Greater Charlotte Area

For Sale By Owner vs Hiring an Agent

Reasons why homeowners sell on their own or hire an agent:
FSBOAgent Listed
Seller did not want to pay commissionSeller needed to sell in a short timeframe
Sold to someone they knewNeeded help pricing the home
Buyer contacted seller directlyWas not sure where to market the home
Didn’t want to work with an agentNeeded help with contract documents
Was not sure how to negotiate repairs
For Sale By Owner Stats
Average Decrease in Sales Price from Agent Listed Homes
Percentage of Total Annual Home Sales that are successful FSBO transactions
home owners that still pay a buyer agent commission, leaving themselves exposed without representation
percentage of fsbo sellers that ultimately hire an agent to help them find a buyer
percentage of home sellers that initially start as a FSBO listing
percentage of those FSBO listings that actually succeed without an agent
FSBO sellers that state they priced their homes incorrectly and didn’t have enough resources to complete a detailed market analysis
percentage of home buyers that do not know where to find FSBO listings
percent of successful FSBO sellers struggled with contract and legal documents
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